Melazeta Srl ئاپەکان

UN get to ZERO 2.0
Melazeta Srl
Get to Zero!Join our Challenge and make the UN itinerary interactiveandeducational: starting from 1 May you will be able to download“Getto Zero”- the United Nations’ game for Expo Milano 2015- forfree,and help us to get the number of hungry people in the worldtozero.It is possible to end hunger in our lifetime if we allworktogether; to reinforce this belief, the more people who playthegame, the faster the number of people who suffer from hungerwilldecrease. Today, there are around 800 million people who go tobedhungry. The objective of the game is to get to zero, and wecanonly do it together! Complete all seven levels to win theUNvirtual passport as a prize, which you can share onsocialmedia.How do you play?You can play Get to Zero during your visit to Expo Milano2015,using the QR Codes that you will find on the UN installationsalongthe Zero Hunger Challenge Itinerary, or you can play itonline,from wherever you are.How does it work?At each level of the game, you will see an image thatillustratesone of the Zero Hunger Challenge elements, then it willbreak apartand you will be asked to put it back together, movingthe tiles ofthe puzzle into the correct place. Once you have putthe image backtogether, you must answer a multiple-choice questioncorrectly tomove to the next level. Answers to the questions can befoundthroughout the UN spaces at Expo or additional informationsourcesonline. If you give a wrong answer, you have to start thelevelagain, complete the puzzle and answer a new question. Thereare atotal of seven levels, one for each of the five pillars of theZeroHunger Challenge, one on women’s empowerment and genderequalityand a final level.What is the prize?Once you have completed all seven levels and signed the ZeroHungerChallenge Declaration, you will receive a UN virtual passportwithyour photo and name, along with your own personal score. Youcanshare each step of the game (the levels you complete andyourscore) and your passport online through Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest or Instagram.
Il mare: disegna e colora 1.0.1
Melazeta Srl
Colora con noi!Il Mare: disegna e colora è un’app per i bambini più piccoli!Gli animali del mare, i giochi da spiaggia, l'estate... tuttigli oggetti rappresentativi della stagione più amata dai bambini.Tanti disegni da colorare e salvare in maniera semplice suitelefoni e i tablet di mamma e papà!Colors with us! The Sea: designs and colors is an app for younger children!Sea animals, beach games, summer ... all objects representativeof the season's most beloved children. Many coloring pages and saveeasily on phones and tablets to Mom and Dad!
Winx Regal Fairy 1.4.1
Melazeta Srl
The only APP for Winx Club fans that allowsyou to create many stories with characters from the Winx Club TVseries!Using a boundless store of characters, locations, accessories,icons, children can free their imagination and invent endlessadventures. In addition, they can record their voice and edit itwith special effects to give life to the characters! Bloom, Musa,Stella, Layla, Flora, Tecna (in two versions- Bloomix andPrincesses,) Specialists, the Trix, the Pixies, Faragonda, thePets, Kiko and many others, will be able to interact in the mostfamous backgrounds of the TV series: Alfea school, Winx rooms,Frutti Music Bar, the enchanted forest, the royal palace of Domino... Each story can be saved and stored in the special Regal Fairylibrary, to be browsed as many times as you want!The APP is free to download and includes a set of characters,places, icons. You can activate additional content in twoways:- Purchasing content packs directly from the StoreOR- Purchasing mini dolls from the collection "Winx FairiesPrincesses" in sachet, available in every kiosk. By framing everymini doll with your tablet or smartphone, you can unlock freecontents. Each Winx Mini Doll activates different contents.FEATURES- More than 100 contents to unlock including characters,backgrounds, icons, accessories- Interactive Content to enlarge, reduce and rotate- Voice recording and ability to edit it with fun soundeffects- Intuitive and colorful graphicsEDUCATIONAL FEATURES- Stimulation of the use of imagination and the raw capacity ofliterary reation- Interaction with graphic elements to stimulate visualcreativity.
MiReLAPP 101
Melazeta Srl
MiReLAPP: dall’amore di Mirella Freni peribambini e la Lirica nasce una applicazione per giocare conlamusica.Gioca, ascolta, registra e riascolta! Un progettodidatticomultimediale rivolto agli alunni e alle maestre dellascuoleprimarie, per far conoscere tramite il gioco la lirica el’arte delbelcanto.La simpatica “Mirela”, cartoon ispirato e con la voce delfamososoprano Mirella Freni, guida i bambini attraverso un percorsodigiochi e musica per far entrare la musica nella propriaesperienzaseguendo le proprie inclinazioni e fantasia.La app multimediale è arricchita da materiale video e guidePDFper i genitori e le maestre. Disponibile per anche una versionewebper LIM (Lavagna Interattiva Multimediale)all' contenuti didattici proposti sono stati premiati con ilprimopremio assoluto Innovascuola 2011 dai Ministeridell’Istruzione edell’Innovazione.MiReLAPP: MirellaFrenifor the love of children and the Lyric born an application toplaywith music.Play, listen, record and listen again! A multimediaeducationalproject aimed at students and teachers of primaryschools, to raiseawareness through the game and the art of belcanto opera.The nice "Mirela" cartoon inspired and with the voice of thefamoussoprano Mirella Freni, guides children through a series ofgamesand music to let the music in their experience following theirowninclinations and fantasy.The app is enriched with multimedia video and PDF guidesforparents and teachers. Also available for a web versionWhiteboard(interactive whiteboard) at educational content offered were awarded with the firstprizeInnovascuola 2011 by the Ministries of Education andInnovation.
Disegna e Colora 1.7.2
Melazeta Srl
Colora con noi!Disegna e Colora è un’app per i bambini più piccoli!La cucina, la cameretta, il bagno... tutti gli ambientidellacasa e il loro oggetti, facilmente riconoscibili dai bambinidacolorare in modo semplice e salvare sui telefoni di mammaepapà!Colorize with us! Draw and Paint is an app for younger children!The kitchen, the bedroom, the bathroom ... every room ofthehouse and their objects, easily recognizable by children tocolorin a simple and save on mobile mom and dad!
Melazeta Srl
L’App Education Redken Italy è uno strumentoadisposizione di tutti gli acconciatori e clienti Partner Redkenperessere sempre aggiornati su tutti gli appuntamenti diRedkenItalia.Potrai consultare i contenuti dei corsi attraversounanavigazione creata per livelli. Indicando se sei TitolareoCollaboratore, potrai scegliere il percorso di formazionepiùadatto a te.Potrai indicare le tue location preferite e vedere gliappuntamentipresenti.Potrai consultare il calendario dell’App e scegliere disalvaresul tuo calendario personale gli appuntamenti chetiinteressano.Avrai la facoltà di richiedere informazioni sui corsi.Riceverai notifiche in tempo reale per essere sempreaggiornatosu variazioni, contenuti, informazioni logistiche e tuttociò chepotrà essere interessante per te.Scoprirai il profilo dei nostri Redken Artists e avraioccasionedi conoscerli ancora meglioSarai informato sui nostri Eventi di marca, sulle News epotraiaccedere direttamente al canale YouTube per poter consultareiTutorial creati apposta per i nostri clienti e per tutti colorochesono interessati.The App RedkenEducationItaly is a tool available to all hairdressers and clientsPartnerRedken to stay current on all the appointments of RedkenItaly.You can consult the course content through a navigationcreatedfor levels. Indicating if you are owner or collaborator, youcanchoose the path of training is best for you.You can indicate your favorite locations and see theappointmentspresent.You can consult the calendar and choose the App to save onyourpersonal calendar appointments that interest you.You will have the right to request information aboutthecourses.You receive real-time notifications to keep updated onchanges,content, logistics information and anything that mightbeinteresting for you.Find out the profile of our Redken Artists and you'll get toknowthem even betterYou will be informed about our events brand, the News and youwillgo straight to YouTube to see the Tutorial made especially forourcustomers and for all those interested.
Fruitness Beacon 1.1
Melazeta Srl
Fruitness Beacon it’s new app of Mr.Fruitnessproject.Discover all the benefits from the consumption of fresh fruitandvegetables; stay informed about the project's initiatives,news,recipes, pictures, and more from Mr. Fruitnes project.
MAUTO 2.0.5
Melazeta Srl
With the Museum APP you can enhance your visit of MAUTO
Metal Sledge 1.1
Melazeta Srl
It's Christmas Eve. Snow is falling and averyspecial Santa is coming to town to ROCK your Xmas!But an unexpected problem risks to spoil Xmas once again.Do your Xmas good deed and help Santa!FEATURES:- 2 Different Game Modes- Online Score Ranking with OpenFeint- Share it on Facebook- a lot... and we really mean a LOT of Xmas Gifts!!!
Selfie Sticker - Maggie&Bianca 1.2.3
Melazeta Srl
Diventa anche tu la protagonista di Maggie & Bianca FashionFriends con l’app Selfie Sticker! Scatta tante foto epersonalizzale con gli sticker, i background, le icone e tantifiltri! E poi, condividile con le amiche o sui social per undivertimento super GO.ZY.!
BHT LAB 1.2.0
Melazeta Srl
Developed for CrossFit by whom CrossFit lives on the floor everyday
Regal Academy - Fairytale Acce 1.02
Melazeta Srl
Are you ready to sign up for the Fables Accessories course?
World of Winx - Dress Up 1.0
Melazeta Srl
Are you ready for the new World of Winx top secret mission?
Il mare: disegna e colora 3.3.0
Melazeta Srl
Colora con noi! Il Mare: disegna e colora è un’app per i bambinipiùpiccoli! Gli animali del mare, i giochi da spiaggia,l'estate...tutti gli oggetti rappresentativi della stagione piùamata daibambini. Tanti disegni da colorare e salvare in manierasemplice suitelefoni e i tablet di mamma e papà!
44 Cats - Sticker & Color 1.1
Melazeta Srl
Are you ready to discover the colorful and fun world of 44 Cats?
MOSS 0.2.2
Melazeta Srl
Stay in the loop on what is going on the production floor with MossApp.
Melazeta Srl
This Winx Party includes the new collections of the 6th serie andthe Glam Rock!
Brama Group 1.3
Melazeta Srl
Welcome to our new Brama Group B2B App.
AppToYoung 1.1.2
Melazeta Srl
AppToYoung because nobody is alone, and no one should feelabandoned.
Disegna e Colora 1.9.0
Melazeta Srl
Color with us!
MZ AR 1.1
Melazeta Srl
Melazeta Augmented Reality Demo
SMaiLe 0.22.6
Melazeta Srl
SMaILE is a research project with the aim of studyingArtificialIntelligence
Giardino Giusti 1.10
Melazeta Srl
The new official app of the Giusti Garden in Verona, betweenhistoryand nature.